Thursday, February 25, 2010

My Purpose

Sometimes my life is pretty dull. I get caught in the drudgery of daily minutiae, and I start to wonder whether my life has a purpose. Depending on how things are going, sometimes I don't feel like I'm changing the world, I don't feel like I'm helping the people I love, and I may not even feel like I'm growing myself. I want some kind of result or happiness to point to so that I can know that there's a good reason why I'm alive. I want to know that I'm not just a waste of time and space but that I am doing something that matters.

I don't always have these frustrations, of course. The rhythm of my life ebbs and flows, and sometimes I'm at high points where I really feel like I'm on a specific mission for God. At those times I recognize that I've been called to do or be something specific, and I feel a great rush of fulfillment when I work towards that calling. I know that I am performing a specific function that matters, and I can more easily see the ways that I'm benefiting the world and growing as a person. I've come to recognize, however, that no matter what's going on in my life, I always have some kind of purpose. There are specific things that God has set out for me to do, but my purpose also includes a few permanent goals.
  • I am here to love God. God wants and values our love whether we feel confident or lowly when we give it. God is happy when we look around us and appreciate what He's done. God is ecstatic when we enjoy the gifts He's given us and joyfully thank Him for them. If we achieved nothing more than to think of God with fondness, trust, and gratitude every day of our lives, then we would have led very meaningful lives.
  • I am here to learn about God. If I'm going to live with God forever, then I need to learn about who God is, what He likes, and what kind of relationship we want to have with each other. Part of my purpose is to study the Bible and open myself to the Spirit so that I can get to know my Lord and Creator. That way when I am with God all the time in Heaven, I'll be ready for our relationship to progress to another level.
  • I am here to learn about myself. Self-awareness is necessary for personal and relational growth. My life on Earth is partially about learning who I am, what I like and what I'm good at, and what I want to give and receive in my relationships with others. I am supposed to learn the unique things about myself and begin to appreciate the things I have in common with my fellow humans. I am also coming to grips with my weaknesses and recognizing the reality of my need for God's help and the benefits of having relationships with other people.
  • I am here to learn about other people. I do not exist in a vacuum, and when I reach Heaven I will not be alone with God. I am part of a human family that is meant to be unified by the love of God. I need to get to know my brothers and sisters and learn how to live in a harmonious community and contribute to the whole. I need to figure out how to love in spite of challenges and to find ways to channel my energy into the larger group.
  • I am here to share what I learn. By doing so, I can help others fulfill the four purposes above and thereby strengthen the entire Body of Christ.
Even when I feel like I'm just dragging by, I still have the opportunity to love and learn. God made me with a purpose in mind, and He has great plans for me. Even when I can't see those plans, I don't have to feel aimless. My life has a purpose. Even if I don't yet understand every aspect of my purpose, I can cling to the parts that I do know and work towards fulfilling them. 

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