Monday, November 2, 2009

Enjoying the Little Things

Lately I've been noticing a lot of the everyday blessings in my life. Sometimes the little things make a big difference to me, and seemingly trivial moments can bring me joy. If I really pay attention, I can receive dozens of tiny little surprise presents from the people I love every single day. Even God is giving me little blessings all the time, tiny reminders of all He has done for me and how much He loves me. This world can be a dark and difficult place sometimes, but the little things can really go a long way in making it seem warmer and brighter.

Here is a sampling of the little things that I have enjoyed lately:
  • You readers have begun to leave comments on this blog. I am so happy to know that there are people who are reading and enjoying this site. I encourage all of you to feel free to leave comments whenever you feel moved to do so. 
  • After cold days and clouds and rain, the sun finally came out! The weather finally felt like fall instead of winter, and I even got to take a walk outside. Even when it's cold out, sunshine always feels like a personal promise from God that the seasons will turn and that good things are always just around the corner. 
  • Sometimes when my husband looks at me, it's as though he's looking at the most beautiful person he could imagine, the kind of companion he's always wanted to spend his life with. I know that I'm far from the perfect wife, but seeing that kind of adoration on his face makes me feel incredibly lucky to be married to someone who enjoys being with me so much. Sometimes just holding hands with my husband can be the most beautiful and personal part of my entire day.
  • It's fun to go out with friends and have a good time, but sometimes it's even nicer to just veg out. It can be wonderful just to be together sometimes, to stop running around and doing stuff long enough to really look at the other person and enjoy his or her company. I like to go out, but I also like to just hang out sometimes.
  • Several people have given me compliments lately. They're little compliments, like "You look really nice today," or "I really appreciated your contributions on this project," but they're important all the same. It takes a couple of seconds for someone to give me a compliment, but it can put a smile in my heart that lasts for hours, sometimes even days.
  • Friends called me. One little phone call can make such a big difference! It's so nice to know that others are thinking of me and that they want to invite me to spend time with them. I love catching up and getting together with friends, and I know I need to be the one to call sometimes. Still, every time a friend or family member calls, I feel a warm little surge in my heart.
So, here's to enjoying the little things. I know that the next time I make this list, it will be entirely different, and that's wonderful! There are so many little blessings in my life that I will never run out.

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